Saturday, February 14, 2009

Knit-Out 2009 and Crochet

This is the main stage of the Knit-Out 2009 and Crochet. I was enjoying the fashion show. There was a great variety of items from afghans, sweaters to scarves. The majority of items were knitted and some were crocheted. It gets me motivated for next year. I'll have to participate in the fashion show.


  1. Awesome....sound like a great time. I would love to go to one of these and I would go by myself; your surrouded by 1000's of woman who have a love and passion for yarn just like you. I love all the little freebies they give at these events. I bet the line was wrapping around the building it is amazing how big the world of knit/crochet is...! My hubby is just blown away at how much is online about crochet and how we woman share; give and support one another. He thinks it is wonderful although I will say there are night when he request that I don't crochet but that I snuggle with him and a bowl of popcorn while we watch a movie..which of course I do because I love him an he doesn't ask for much.

    Take care and glad you had a good time.

  2. Yes it was great fun. Now I wish I could go to something this weekend!!!
    We really do share alot of things and support one and another over the internet. Guess it is a new way of communicating, but I love it. Talk to you soon.
