Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving napkin Holders

Thanksgiving weekend was relaxing and busy at the same time. Sonja, our exchange student from Finland moved in. The boys were home from college. Now the house is quiet again, time for reading and crocheting. Before I go, here is a picture of the Thanksgiving Napkin Holders.
One of our Thanksgiving traditions is cookie turkey cookie napkin holders, they are made out of fridge stripe cookies, fan shaped gum drops , candy corn for a beak, and are "glued" together with melted chocolate chips. So do they look like turkeys???


  1. very cute napkin holder, I love em

  2. Oh my gosh, those are so cute! And, they really do look like turkeys. What a cute tradition!

  3. Yes and they are easy to make, travel well and everyone loves them. A definite hit at our house.
