Thursday, April 16, 2009

Minnesota Musing

Spring as finally sprung -- the birds are singing their sweet songs, the grass is starting to turn green and the temperatures are warm enough to walk outside in shirts. This is the time of the year we love because the weather only gets better and better.

So what is on my hook? A college afghan for my nephew, dishcloth scrubbies, Rodney the Rectangles and a new purse. Yep that is alot of creativity on my plate and I enjoy it.

Now I have to figure out how to do this outside!!!

Until later.....Happy Creating!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I love this time of year. Always glad to see the cold/snow go!

    Like you I have a full plate of projects.
    Throw for my daughters bf, finish up a second poncho for a niece not to mention a bag full of unfinished projects!

    Have a great weekend.
